Sunday, May 13, 2007

News Brief: Havok Garners Respect for 2 Middle Aged Women

Short post, and last post for a while because the real world calls. I've got a 7 layer crunch burrito making exam coming up so that's why.

Anyway, I actually gained some respect for 2 specific middle aged women. First, my momma cause it's mother's day and you gotta respect where you came from. I just realized that I was conceived about the same time that Motley Crue's Shout at the Devil came out. This is definitely not a coincidence.

Second, I was in the elevator the other night going to broomball. Of course I was wearing the zubaz, poison shirt and axl rose headgear, because how else are you supposed to go to athletic events? So this middle aged woman was going down to the laundry room and says to me, "Oh good you're wearing a jacket, it's cold out there!"

My First reaction that I didn't actually say was, "Guhhhhhh of course a middle aged woman would comment about my jacket. Either that or an old person would, but they're excused." But instead I said, "Yeah it's because I'm going to play broomball, which is also why I'm wearing these pants."

Her reply, "Oh I wasn't going to say anything about those, my husband wears those all the time!"

Touche lady. Touche. I kind of have respect for you now. Any woman that thinks Zubaz are normal attire gets an A+ in my book.

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