Wednesday, May 23, 2007

A List of Things I Don't Understand

Throw Pillows Are Dumb
Why Can't I Sit On My Couch
Fluffy Thing in Way

British accents lame
Can't Understand you jack-ass
Sound Like pudding

Testicles are weird
Different Temperature
Than rest of body

Babies cry a lot
Poop wherever they want to
Kind of awesome life

Dumplings fit lots of
Stuff into dough but take
forever to make

Dogs lick their genitals
Yet their owners still kiss them
On the lips with tongue

I can't figure out
The number of syllables
In the word wires

How did powdered wigs
Ever be major fashion
statement same with Uggs

Why does the mustache
talk politics all the time
without making sense

How does curly hair
always stay curly when you
think bout gravity

Who invented bread
add yeast to flour and shit
seems weird idea

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