Monday, May 7, 2007

My Top 5 Musical Crushes

This post could easily done by anyone, and it changes practically every month, but here are the 5 women musical artists that I am currently in love with whether it be because of their talent, looks, conviction, message, voice, trustworthiness of hips, etc.

5. Catpower aka Chan Marshall

Of course my list must include at least one woman who is tragically fucked up. Chan perfectly fits that. The woman is a straight up alcoholic, or at least was. She used to have to go on stage drunk because of immense stage fright. But because of this, she shows pure beautiful emotion in her singing and that's hot.

4. Marina Ribatski

Well first of all she's wearing a Guns 'n' Roses shirt in this photo so already she's hot. Second of all, she's Brazilian which gives her auto hotness factor. Third, she sings for a group called Bonde do Role, who is about to become my favorite party band of the year when their new album "With Lasers" comes out in June. Obviously, I already own it anyway*, and seriously, play it with bad ass subwoofers and you'll love her too.

3. Shakira

Shakira will always be on my list. No explanation will ever be needed.

2. Lily Allen

Saw her live and my friends and I were fighting for her affection. Style, confidence, bravado, a cute voice, and a ton of fun. I want to have a barbeque with her and go out drinking with her, these are the signs of a perfect woman.

1. M.I.A. aka Maya Arulpragasm

The daughter of the leader of the Tamil Tigers, a Sri Lankan revolutionary group, her lyrics are all intelligent and political, her music all completely a blast of fun and insanely original, she's absolutely gorgeous, and seriously, just look at that outfit. I'm in love.

She get's 2:

*Note: Bragging that you know about an up and coming musical artist before anyone else is the sure fire mark of a Hipster Douche


Anonymous said...

you'll have to compete with me for at least 3 of these womenz.

for this quote alone, your blog is the best thing ever:

"*Note: Bragging that you know about an up and coming musical artist before anyone else is the sure fire mark of a Hipster Douche"

R Jones said...

I'm sure that I am guilty of said douchebaggery. If only I had read this blog first, I might still have friends!

My additions to your list: Bjork, DJ Shannon (google image search her), and Erin Esurance (I'm 90% sure she played a guitar or something in one of the commercials).

Keep it up dude!

Anonymous said...

Intersting list...I have been trying to convince the world of Cat Power's hotness for two years now,...but to no avail.

It's a shame Lily Allen is such a turd,..she's actually quite cute.