Sunday, June 10, 2007

Cubs vs Brewers June 6, 2007

So after free taco day at Taco Bell on tuesday June 5, the Bell took me to a baseball game at Miller Park on wednesday. The Bell provided a tailgate with free food and booze 2 hours before the game. So what did my non-moustachioed coworkers and I decide was the best thing to do?

Tailgate before the tailgate.

So I had about 1000 Miller Lites or so before the game. Who do I end up sitting next to? The head principal at, um, Taco Bell. And his wife and daughter. Luckily, thanks to a double and home run by my new favorite player, Felix Pie, the Cubs won and all my coworkers from Milwaukee celebrated the Cubs beating their team by throwing sunflower seeds and popcorn at me.

Final Score: Cubs 6 - Brewers 2

Cubs record when I am in attendance in 2007: 2-3

Starting Pitchers:
Cubs - Carlos Zambrano (first time ever seeing him, and fresh off of fighting Michael Barrett in the clubhouse)
Brewers - Jeff Suppan

Singer of "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" - the crowd (celebreties don't give a shit about the Brewers)

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