Saturday, June 2, 2007

Cock Rock: Extreme

I am totally excited for the new guitar hero coming out next month. Ridiculously excited. As in I need "More than words to show how I feel" about it. At first I was gonna write a post about what songs should be included in this most righteous of guitar heros, but then because of this whole free taco day on tuesday June 5, I've been working 15 hr days with no time to blog. As a result they already released over half the songs. But here's the thing, a bunch of my choices were included, even some of the ones I never thought would happen. That's what brings me to Extreme. Extreme was a total Van Halen rip off that really only had 1 CD's worth of good songs, (which I own of course), but man Nuno Bettancourt can SHRED THE AXE. The best Extreme song of all time is also one of the best songs of all time. No it's not the ballad "More Than Words" (awesome wedding song compromise if your wife doesn't want to dance to "I Want Action" by Poison). I'm speaking of course about "Play With Me" a song that everyone knows.

Some of you are probably thinking, "But Havok, I don't know that song at all, what are you talking about? Did Dave cover it or something? Does it have a catchy beat or something?"

False. My pledge son, Dave has not covered it and I don't think you can encompass all music written in 4/4 time as catchy, but you DO know this song. How?

That's right, it's the most excellent and triumphant song in the background of the mall scene in Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. If you haven't seen Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure I'm honestly not sure why you read this blog. This automatically qualifies it as on of the most righteous riffs of all time. And that solo, man that solo is awesome. Holy triumphant rock and roll that solo is awesome.

I can't WAIT to play that solo in guitar hero. Excellent! neenernerneenernerneeeeee!

The solo one more time:

Update: Holy shit! Look at this! AHHHHHHHHHHH! They have a demo of someone playing this song! AHHHHHHHH!

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