Monday, September 24, 2007

I've been drunk and blacked out for thirty seven straight days

You've probably noticed that I haven't posted a blog post since August. During this time my readership has become angry with me and dropped from 4 people down to 2 people. As for the 2 people that still do read, sorry for the disappointment the 5 times a day that you check. So as for where I've been: Blackout drunk for 37 straight days. Yep, I drank a bottle of Jack Daniels a day everyday for 37 straight days. And I lost 10 pounds. It's this new fad diet that I've started called the Perpetual Headache Diet. All you have to do is drink a bottle of Jack Daniels everyday so that you get so drunk you can't taste tastes, so you just eat healthy.

It works! You will lose weight!

Of course, if you try this diet, I can not be held liable for the liver damages that it will inevitably cause and perhaps cause you to lose your inhibitions, which may lead to running around naked and screaming "I'M THE PLUM AND YOU'RE THE PRUNES BAHAHAHAHA" in an old folks home or cause you to accidently think that a small 8 year olds skull is in fact a head of lettuce.

This one is the 8 year old

So anyway, because of certain incidences like those that may or may not have happened, I've been sent to Finishing School. That's right, they're trying to make Havok into a proper English gentleman. I'll try to post as much as possible while I'm there, but no guarantees until Tuesday, November 6th, which is the date of my Finishing School exam...


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